2nd Volunteer Day for Discovery Trail Announced

MCS Backyard, 1950

This 1950 photo depicts cottages where the MCS Discovery Trail is now.

We are once again looking for volunteers to continue working towards our goals on the MCS Discovery Trail Project. It was very encouraging to see the progress made when we held our first community volunteer day on July 31st, and we had a wonderful group of individuals with us that day who helped make it happen. Our volunteers even saw some remaining items from the cottages that once stood on that part of the property!

In the spirit of advancing the cause further before the Winter months, we have scheduled another community volunteer day for Saturday, September 25th at 8:30 a.m.

The trail runs from our campus down to Madison Lake. In addition to serving as a community trail, it will also serve as an outdoor classroom for our students, all the while providing safer passage from campus to Madison Lake.

Projects may include stump removal, mulch spreading, and the trimming of trees and brush, among other small projects. There will be something for just about everyone. Additionally, Students can use this time for Community Service Hours!

Volunteers can come and go as they are able. All we ask is that you bring safe and comfortable shoes, a smile, and a desire to improve the experience of our MCS students.

Contact MCS Facilities Director Mr. Chris Post for more information. He can be reached at extension 211.